Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Toyota rolls out Night View-equipped, pedestrian-finding Crown Hybrid
Night view isn't exactly a new technology, but
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Refurbished iPhones are an excellent source of previous users' data
by Nilay Patel, posted May 20th 2008 at 3:59PM
It looks like you might have to think twice before flipping that old iPhone on eBay when the 3G version finally hits -- it appears that restoring the phone doesn't actually erase the contents of the flash, meaning that your data is available to anyone with the proper tools until it's overwritten. Making matters worse, it appears that Apple doesn't do a low-level format when refurbishing iPhones either -- an Oregon State Police detective was able to use forensic software to pull files, emails, and screenshots off an out-of-the-box refurbished iPhone. This actually shouldn't be surprising to anyone -- we've seen several utilities that access "deleted" portions of storage -- but since Apple doesn't provide users direct access to the iPhone's filesystem, it's basically impossible to clear your personal data off the device short of restoring and filling the disk with junk data. Hopefully iPhone 2.0's Exchange-based "remote wipe" feature is a bit more secure, eh?
Steve O'Shaughnessy
Network Infrastructure Manager
Tourism Whistler
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Setting Minimum Sound Levels for Hybrids..
Fisker Karma's recently announced hybrid sports car that generates motor noise through some external speakers might have received a good bit of derision when it first made itself known, but it now looks like it may actually be a bit ahead of the game, at least if a bill expected to be introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives ever actually becomes law. As AutoWeek reports, the bill was apparently prompted by concerns that hybrid and electric vehicles are a little too quiet, and pose a risk to pedestrians, especially the blind. To address that supposed danger, the bill reportedly demands that the U.S. Secretary of Transportation initiate a study to determine if a minimum sound level is in fact needed and, if so, require that automakers comply with it (possibly as early as 2010).
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
EMT Paintball Sentry Turret renders your personal militia useless
Automated paintball machines have been spotted holding down a-many of forts, but it's still been relatively hard to find one pre-built and ready for purchase. Enter Evolution Model Technology, whose Paintball Sentry Turret is mighty enough to mow down even the deepest of crosstown rival cliques trying to get up in your area. Arriving in wired and wireless versions, the unit is available with water- or winter-proof armor, can be controlled remotely and features a head that rotates 350-degrees and tilts 90-degrees. Best of all, the cold blooded plastering machine can be customized to the hilt for those living in seriously dodgy locales, but considering the $1,399.50 (and way, way up) price tag, you better have one incredible stash of valuables to protect before pulling the proverbial trigger.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
iPhone virus threats as market share increases.
- Don't open untrusted email attachments.
- Turn your Bluetooth and WiFi off if you don't need it.
- Set the phone to ask before joining WiFi Networks
- Don't click on untrusted URL's
- Tip - Hover on a link before you let go - the URL will pop up for you to review.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Jajah to allow VoIP Calls on iPhone soon.
by Jan Harris
April 3, 2008
Jajah, which already provides iPhone users with a call-back service, is extending its iPhone support with the development of the first native global VoIP application.
The application could be available this summer, when the iPhone 2.0 software is due for release.
Jajah’s web-activated telephony solution is already available to iPhone users via the integrated Safari web browser at .
Jajah is now participating in the iPhone Developer Program to create the new Jajah Mobile VoIP client for the iPhone.
It will allow iPhone users to make free or low-cost global calls to any phone in the world either through the known callback service, or through the sole use of a Wi-Fi network.
The callback service is suitable for low bandwidth locations, while Wi-Fi support allows international and long-distance callers to place Wi-Fi hotspots at locations such as airports and hotels.
Trademark taken too far?
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Photoshop Express
I just signed up for a Photoshop express account and I have to say it’s a great basic photo editor. It’s not too different then iPhoto really but to have a tool like this on-line is a great feature. Hmm. I wonder if it will work on my iPhone.
I was surprised that I was actually able to sign up for an account as it does clearly state on the sign up page that it’s US only. One I got logged in, I uploaded the first photo I could find to play around with. The tools that are available are pretty basic and I was disappointed that there wasn’t an eraser tool available. This seems to be a pretty basic tool that perhaps will be added later. Another tool that would have been nice is the rubber stamp tool but again – perhaps later.
I guess there are some things in the EULA that are causing some chit chat. Basically that Adobe reserves the right to use the photos that you upload there limitlessly though they do acknowledge that you still retain ownership of the photos. Meh. I guess it’s the same EULA that is used by all the social networking sites, so really users that are complaining should check all the other EULA’s that they agreed to.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Payback is a bitch!!
Sony BMG busted for software piracy in France
Posted Apr 1st 2008 3:22PM by Nilay Patel
Filed under: Misc. Gadgets
Ouch, that payback, it can be a bitch -- Sony BMG, distributors of rootkit-installing CDs and litigious foe of P2P users worldwide, has just been busted in France for using pirated software on its servers. And it gets even worse: Windows admin tool developer PointDev says a Sony BMG was caught when an IT staffer actually called up for support and gave a pirated license number to the phone tech. That's some pretty shady behavior for a company that's rammed anti-piracy measures down its own customers' throats -- too bad it's probably not going to feel the hit of the €300,000 ($475,000) lawsuit nearly as hard as the college students it routinely sues for $5,000.
[Via ZeroPaid]
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Macs Make us Better People.
When I was a PC user, I would see guys and gals with their Dell's and IBM Stink Pads sitting in Coffee Shops surfing and playing games etc and I never really gave it much thought. More or less I didn't really care. I work as an IT guy and have to fix the frigging things all the time. Why would I want to talk to a PC user and listen to them gripe about this or that.
I switched to Mac over a year ago now. In fact I am still working on the same MacBook that I got then. Sure it's a little dirty and the battery isn't as robust as it once was. Sure there are cracks in the case (I have a case open with Apple about that). Even with all these "issues" I have not had one major malfunction on this machine. I could probably count on one had the number of times it has crashed but honestly I can't remember the last time it did.
Using a Mac is a joy for me. Having one has proven to me that a Computer can be as reliable as the box that makes your toast ever day. I have a friend that argues with me about Mac vs. PC and I always forget to say that I actually use both on a daily basis and can tell you first hand that there in no machine / OS combo that beats it. I am sure Linux users would say the same thing. Though I can't say it to his face, he is wrong and is merely a Mac hater. Grrrr..
Well today at the Coffee Shop that I frequent everyday I saw a teenage girl with an iPhone. I sat down popped open my MacBook and whipped out my junk (my iPhone!! Get your mind out of the gutter) We had a very pleasant conversation about our phones, where we got them and how great they are. If I saw someone sitting there with the same Samsung piece of crap phone that I have, there is now way I would have stopped to talk. Dude, is yours as hard to text on as mine?!?! Ya I hate it that I can barely ready the tiny screen!! HIGH FIVE!!
Call me a fan boy, call me a PC hater. Whatever. I think that there is no other group of technology users that ban together more tightly than Mac users. I don't care if you are a blogger or a high end video editor. They would both respect each others wise choice of weapon. Not sure I would take a bullet for that guy, but I may pull him out of the way!
Arthur C. Clarke, inventor of satellite, visionary in technology, dead at 90
Posted Mar 18th 2008 5:55PM by Ryan Block
Filed under: Misc. Gadgets
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Today is a very sad day in our little world. It's been reported that Arthur C. Clarke, among the most influential visionaries in technology and a personal hero of Engadget readers and editors both, has died in hospital care at the age of 90. Along with his many written works (such as the infamous and immeasurably influential 2001: A Space Odyssey), Clarke was possibly best known for conceptualizing the geostationary communications satellite -- clearly one of the most important technological innovations in history.
Arthur, you'll be dearly missed.
Tags: arthur c clarke, ArthurCClarke, breaking news, BreakingNews, rip
German trucker uses mobile as "ear warmer," court believes it
Posted Mar 18th 2008 11:01AM by Darren Murph
Filed under: Cellphones
I am an IT guy. I am connected, hear me roar!! I am fortunate enough to have my father here in
After a great dinner and some chats, I decided to open up the notebook and surf a little, update Twitter and Facebook, chat with my girlfriend etc etc. I was disappointed to find out that the Hotel (ehem… The Marriot) charges $15 per day for this service!! 15$!! What a money grab. I am not paying for the room but I am sure they can afford a few hundred dollar data bill for the rates they are charging there. Give me a break. Since I was on the 30th floor, I was too high and far away from the residential buildings to probe for open Access Points. And since I live in Canada my iPhone is on the Edge Network which is basically dialup and since Rogers has deplorable data packages using that device would probably cost me more than $15 for the evening anyway.
Oh, the curse of being a connected IT guy. I know you are saying “Suck it up! Pay the $15!” You are probably right but I just couldn’t justify it. Whatever happened to the Open AP for the People movement? Don’t talk to me about security either. You have to balance your level of security with what you are trying to protect. I am not a Bank, or CSIS. If you want to use some of my bandwidth, then by all means have some. Anyway, security is another topic.
Thanks for listening to my rant…
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
iPhone 2.0 Already Jail Broken
iPhone software 2.0 was just unveiled last week and isn’t scheduled to reach the public until June, but already a team of developers claim to have jailbroken the software.
Jailbreaking is a term used by the iPhone hacking community that refers to the process of unlocking the iPhone’s firmware, allowing third-party applications to run on the device. This should not be confused with the process of unlocking the SIM card to allow the iPhone to run on other wireless carriers.
The iPhone Dev Team claims that they have succeeded in jailbreaking the new iPhone software, apparently after having the software for only one day.
This could have far reaching consequences for Apple. During the unveiling of the new software, Apple CEO Steve Jobs said that if developers wanted to distribute their applications, they would need to go through the App Store, a new service launched by Apple.
The App Store gives Apple control over the sale and distribution of all iPhone software created by independent developers. It also gives Apple a 30 percent cut of all software sold through the store.
Jobs said their will be limitations on what Apple will allow to be published through the App Store. Apple executives specifically cited porn, privacy-breaching tools, bandwidth-hogging apps, and anything illegal as an example of the restrictions. The slide in Jobs’ keynote presentation also listed “unforeseen,” leaving open
However, with a jailbroken phone it is conceivable that developers will find a way around the App Store and allow users to install whatever applications they want.
Bigger Computer Monitors = More Productivity
Researchers at the University of Utah tested how quickly people performed tasks like editing a document and copying numbers between spreadsheets while using different computer configurations: one with an 18-inch monitor, one with a 24-inch monitor and with two 20-inch monitors. Their finding: People using the 24-inch screen completed the tasks 52% faster than people who used the 18-inch monitor; people who used the two 20-inch monitors were 44% faster than those with the 18-inch ones. There is an upper limit, however: Productivity dropped off again when people used a 26-inch screen. (The order of the tasks and the order of computer configurations were assigned randomly.)
The study concluded that someone using a larger monitor could save 2.5 hours a day. But James Anderson, the professor in charge of the study, tells the Business Technology Blog to take that result with a grain of salt: It assumes that someone will work non-stop for eight hours, which no one will, and that the tasks they perform will all benefit from a larger screen, which isn’t always the case. But things like moving data between files are ideally suited to bigger or multiple screens. Anderson, who uses a computer with two 20-inch screens and one 24-inch one, recommends that businesses take the time to match employees with the proper size screen based on job requirements.
A caveat: The study was funded by NEC, which makes computer monitors. But Anderson says that it was vetted by the University’s research board. Also, he doesn’t care who businesses buy their monitors from – he just wants businesses to realize that the right monitor can make someone more productive. And if a tech department has to buy 500 of the same size in order to get a bulk discount? Buy the biggest ones you can, Anderson tells us. “Size matters,” he adds.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Canadian iPhone Trade-mark Search Data;jsessionid=0000LhMI4OVWxm5O1cjGSfRg6Wi:1247nfca5
Bionic Eye
The BostoRetinal Implant Project recently developed a bionic eye implant that will restore vision to those affected by degenerative blindness. The device works by being implanted into the back of the eyeball and working as a light transmitter to the brain, where the two are connected by a nerve/wire thinner than a human hair.
Now, the technology has its limitations; it won't give sight to those born blind or who suffer glaucoma, nor will it offer perfect vision. Only for those who previously had sight, and a semi-functional optical nerve, is this possible. The idea is that it will give the blind a general sense of their surroundings so they can function on a basic level. But researchers do hope to improve the technology so that users can recognize things like facial detail and expressions in the future. [Boston Herald via Crunch Gear]
Monday, March 10, 2008
Zuckerberg Lacy Interview
Anyway. Enough of that… Life goes on as do the neck beards…
Friday, March 7, 2008 - File Sharing, simplified..
There are so many ways of moving information around, but none as unique as You can add pretty much any type of file; documents, photos, videos, audio files and make them available to others to download.
They also have integrated voice mail and fax functionality. I could have used this when I was refinancing my new house. I was continually asked to fax stuff to my bank and lawyer. I could have just made the TIFF's available to them via this service. This would also be a great way to share vacation pics and / or have people submit their own to the library creating a family photo archive.
For those of you who are thinking about security, you need not worry. When you sign up, they don't ask for any information so with that, there is no information to share out. All knows about you is your email address. No name, phone number etc etc. They also take measures in preventing the site and it's contents from being crawled. That way, contents of your drop won't show up in search engines.
Signing up tool literally 10 seconds as all that is required is a name to identify the location of the content and an administration password. After that, the system configures a URL, email address, even a telephone number and extension where people can leave messages. There is a limit of 100meg for this service unless you pay for the premium package which costs $10 per year and gives you 1GB.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Apple iPhone Event - Opinions
CNet. I can imagine the bloggers slamming away at the keyboard while
they are trying to enjoy the event.
Clearly the SDK was the prevalent point. The door is now wide open and
we are going to see some very cool application in the next 6 months.
I think that Exchange Support is huge. Like I have said before, I think
the Blackberry is a great device but the UI leaves much to be desired.
Integrating ActiveSync is fantastic news. I have used this on a Windows
Mobile device before and I think it works great. I have to say though
that if / when the iPhone comes to Canada, they better have better
pricing on data plans because it's going to get expensive!!
The short answer in regards to SIM Unlocking software being available is
interesting. There wasn't much detail in the answer but I am sure
something will surface in the next few days.
I am not sure how I feel about iTunes being the main distributor of the
software. Clearly they have a great mechanism for distributing media
and now software, however, I am left with a feeling of monopolistic
behavior which makes me question. Is Apple the next Microsoft?
I think everyone was expecting a 3G phone to come to the market but that
doesn't seem to be the case. That said, Apple tends to release new
Hardware between announcements like the 16GIG iPhone and the 32GIG
Touch. So stand by as they could have a 3G come out in a couple of
Other than that - The iPhone as a gaming platform is cool. I have
played some games that use the accelerometer and they were kind of hard
to play though. You had to hunch over the phone, holding it flat in
your hand and then tilt it to control an object on the screen. That
just doesn't seem very practical. The touch interface and gaming does
seem to go together well. I am looking forward to seeing some of the
new games that are developed with this SDK.
Apple iPhone Event
Live event blog found here:
Exchange Support:10:11 PT: Schiller's demoing Exchange support. You add a Mail account and choose Exchange, then fill in the data. The account settings in Mail include ActiveSync settings for Calendar and Contacts as well.
10:13 PT: Now we're adding a new contact, typing in a name. And according to Phil, that name has automatically been added to another iPhone that's connected to the same server. And then the iPhone in the audience adds a phone number to the contact, and it automatically appears on Phil's iPhone.
Push e-mail is supported, so as soon as an e-mail is delivered, it appears at the top of Phil's mail list on his iPhone. Meetings, too. You can see a list of attendees in a meeting, drill down to an individual attendee, see their contact info from the server.
And now we're going to destroy the phone. It's remotely wiped - all of a sudden it blacks out, the white Apple logo appears, and it's rebooting with all its precious secret data removed.
10:34 PT: Now a brand new development tool, the iPhone Simulator. Runs on a Mac, and simulates the entire API stack of the iPhone OS. So right here, on your Mac, you can run your application in the simulator, which gives you an incredible turnaround time on development.
10:39 PT: So now a sample application that took only two days to write. It's called Touch FX. He taps to choose a photo, which brings up the standard image picker. He picks a photo, and touches the screen, which distorts the photo where his finger is touching. It's an OpenGL distortion. And when he picks the finger up, the effect remains. Then he pinches the face of the guy in the picture, and his face gets a pinch effect. To undo it, he shakes the phone -- like an Etch-A-Sketch -- and the image goes back where it went, because the program has access to the phone's accelerometer.
"If anything, we underestimated what the hardware was able to do," Sega guy says. He says this is not a scaled-down cell phone game. It's a console game. They had to bring in an artist to up-scale the resolution of the graphics on the iPhone.
11:09 PT: "In just a few months, every iPhone user will have everything you saw today, as a free update. Now there's one other part to this. It's not just the iPhone. It's the iPod Touch. The same software release is going to run on the iPod Touch. Now, we account the iPod touch a little bit different, so there will be a nominal charge for that update, but otherwise it will be exactly the same as the iPhone."
Doerr "Today we're witnessing history, the launching of the SDK, the creation of the third great platform -- the iPhone and iPod Touch. Think about it. In your pocket, you have something that's broadband and connected all the time. It's personal. It knows who you are and where you are. That's a big deal. A really big deal. It's bigger than the personal computer."
11:17 PT: Jobs is back. "Thanks very much for coming," he says, and excuses everyone... except the press. Hmm.
jason snell
What about SIM unlock software? Will it not be allowed?
HelloTxt - Update your Microblogs

Introducing HelloTxt. “HelloTxt is a service that allows you to update your status various services, such as Facebook and Twitter, simultaneously and instantaneously.” It’s a fairly skinny web based application makes updating all your Social Networking sites easy. Of course you have to be mindful to keep your update within the 140 character limit but really, you can say a whole lot in 140 characters.. I was lucky enough to get a coupon code for the
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
iPhone and Exchange

As a Mac user I cringe ever day that I have to sit in front of my PC here at the office. If only people knew the pleasure and stability of using Apple products, we'd all be better off.

Though I do find the Blackberry to be an elegant device, the UI leaves much to be desired hence the requirement for push email for the iPhone. Well it looks like some are already at it and with the new iPhone SDK on the horizon. We won't have to wait too much longer. Let me just say this - If the Corporate leaders think that the Blackberry is addictive, wait until they are holding a sleek sexy iPhone in their hands...
brb - gotta take a cold shower.
jkOnTheRun talk about Synchronica
Lesser of Two Evils
I have to say that I think the stress of waiting for work is just as stressful as being in the shit. On one hand, you are balls to the wall busy. People are stressed cause as their shit rolls down hill, you are not scooping it up fast enough. On the other hand, if you have nothing to do, then you are constantly worried about what others are thinking of your work ethic.
I always abide by the rule "Fly low" and I think that's what I am going to do. If they need me, then here I am.. Well, I am either here or drinking coffee somewhere.
Canadian Defined
An Australian Definition of a Canadian -
You probably missed it in the local news, but there was a report that someone in Pakistan had advertised in a newspaper an offer of a reward to anyone who killed a Canadian - any Canadian.
An Australian dentist wrote the following editorial to help define what a Canadian is, so they would know one when they found one.
A Canadian can be English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian or Greek. A Canadian can be Mexican, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Iranian, Asian, Arab, Pakistani or Afghan.
A Canadian may also be a Cree, Métis, Mohawk, Blackfoot, Sioux, or one of the many other tribes known as native Canadians. A Canadian's religious beliefs range from Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or none.
In fact, there are more Muslims in Canada than in Afghanistan. The key difference is that in Canada they are free to worship as each of them chooses.
Whether they have a religion or no religion, each Canadian ultimately answers only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God.
A Canadian lives in one of the most prosperous lands in the history of the world. The root of that prosperity can be found in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which recognize the right of each person to the pursuit of happiness.
A Canadian is generous and Canadians have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need, never asking a thing in return. Canadians welcome the best of everything, the best products, the best books, the best music, the best food, the best services and the best minds.
But they also welcome the least -
the oppressed, the outcast and the rejected.
These are the people who built Canada.
You can try to kill a Canadian if you must as other blood-thirsty tyrants in the world have tried but in doing so you could just be killing a relative or a neighbour. This is because Canadians are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom.
Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, can be a Canadian.
Please keep this going! Pass this around the World. Then pass it around again.
It says it all, for all of us
'Keep your stick on the ice'